It's been quite a while since I last posted. A lot has been happening since then. I've finished reading The Shack and I must say that it's been an awesome read. Since my early age I've always have this feeling that God is ever so close to me. Time passes by and the feelings gone with the wind. The dogma of religion kills the real meaning of love. In religion, we are forced to comply. Not through our own free will but to conform with those around us.
I consider myself to be lucky to have understood the meaning of God's love. In Him there is no condemnation. There is no finger pointing. There is no hatred. In Him love is very, very, very real.
I'm still learning to know Him better. Learning to be able to discern His voice. To be able to see His works around me. To marvel at the simplicity of His touch. Every day is a new day. A new beginning. A new future.
The Shack touches me so deeply. The realization that God loves me just the way I am leaves me 'love-struck' (for lack of any better word... hehehe....). God is not who we were led to believe by religion. God is the great 'I AM'. He is who He is. I am in Him and He is in me.
This journey is not easy. But its worthwhile. I'm not alone for He is with me.
Chapter 16: The God-Shaped Life, Part II
2 days ago
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