I recently bought this book from a local bookstore. Well, I must say, I am not disappointed. The book challenges the way I defined my relationship with Jesus in a way I've never thought possible. Many people thought that to be a Christian, or a 'good' Christian, one must always obey the rules set by one's church. Most of the time however, the rules set by the church takes precedence over the loving relationship with our Saviour. Conformity becomes our priority which leads to us being judgmental over other people who we perceive to be 'unholy'. Going to church becomes a routine to satisfy our quest for holiness rather than to pursue an intimate relationship with Jesus.
This book opens up my mind to the real meaning of church. Well, I believe many Christians knows the meaning of church. But, I bet you, there are still a good many who don't. Church is not a place we should go every Sunday. The meaning of church is much deeper than that. The Lord says that our body is His temple. The Holy Spirit dwells within us. In other words, we are the church.
Many Christians called themselves Christian and perceive Christianity as some sort of religion. But, Christianity is much more than just a religion. It is about following Jesus, walking with Him everyday in our lives and knowing Him intimately.
Read this book with an open mind. It will change your mind and will ignite the hunger within you to know Jesus intimately. Most importantly, it will free you from the bondage of religion!
There are many ways to read this book. It is available in Amazon.com or you can purchase it directly from the 'lifestream' website (the link is listed in my list of useful links... I'm not an affiliate by the way) or you can click at this link to download the PDF version for free.
God bless!
What Others Are Saying about It’s Time
1 day ago
For the biblical support and a more in-depth discussion of the issues raised in this book, you might want to check out Frank Viola's new book, "Reimagining Church". "Reimagining Church" is a great 'biblical' supplement to this work of fiction.
“Reimagining Church” is endorsed by Leonard Sweet, Shane Claiborne, Alan Hirsch, and many others. You can read a sample chapter at
It’s also available on Amazon.com.
Thanks for the link. Will check it out.
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