"For truly I say to you that whoever shall say to this mountain, be moved and be cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he said shall occur, he shall have whatever he said." (Mark 11:24)
Faith... is to have no doubt in our heart. Faith... is to believe in things unseen. Faith... is to continue praying, and praying, and praying.
A journey into the unknown. Some may call it adventurous. It requires courage. But most importantly, it requires faith. Without faith, there is no hope. Without hope, there is no life.
In life, decisions are to be made. Everyday, every minute, every breath. Right or wrong is only known after the decision is made. Some sooner but some later. What if the decision is wrong? Do we continue with our journey, or do we stop. I will continue the journey into the unknown trusting that the Lord will lead me to the right path. It's not easy, but it'll be worthwhile. Faith... will see me through till the end. Where is the end? God knows. So, have faith in Him.. Amen!
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